
Showing posts with the label grow up

You Seriously Believe The Earth is Flat??

Do you Seriously Believe The Earth is Flat?? In a world where scientific discovery and technological advancement have reached unprecedented heights, it's baffling to think that some still cling to archaic beliefs. Yet, the debate over the shape of our planet persists, with a small but vocal minority staunchly advocating for the idea that the Earth is flat. Until recently, I was under the impression that this debate had long been settled in favor of the spherical Earth model. After all, we've witnessed humanity's triumphs, from moon landings to the marvels of satellite technology. We've seen breathtaking images of our planet from space, showcasing its unmistakable curvature. And we've heard firsthand accounts from astronauts who have gazed upon our world from orbit. It's disheartening to realize that there are individuals, particularly in developed nations like the United States, who reject this overwhelming evidence in favor of a flat Earth theory. Despite the

Time To Be Ladies

Time To Be Ladies  Too many hoes try and hook a man by getting knocked up and too many females think they need a man to provide for them rather then them act like grown woman and provide for themselves.  None of us grown women should be allowing ourselves to get pregnant unless we've married a good man who loves us and we are a good woman who loves him and we are MARRIED. Shacking up and popping kids out with boyfriends etc doesn't make any of us females look good and it gives these males the impression that we are all okay with that and will behave like those kinds of sluts.  Nah. Time for womankind to take back our respect and start acting like ladies again!