
Showing posts with the label sadness

Lessons from Hurricane Harvey: The Power of Unity and Kindness

Lessons from Hurricane Harvey: The Power of Unity and Kindness In the wake of Hurricane Harvey, my workplace became a sanctuary for evacuees seeking refuge from the storm's devastation. From the moment they arrived on August 24th, I witnessed something truly remarkable: people coming together in the face of adversity, displaying acts of kindness and compassion that transcended race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. Throughout their stay, I saw individuals of all backgrounds lending a hand to one another without hesitation. Hispanics assisted Caucasians, green card holders were supported by their neighbors, the able-bodied helped the disabled, and the young looked after the elderly. It was a beautiful testament to the resilience and generosity of the human spirit. Here in Texas, we pride ourselves on our hospitality and sense of community. The term "Tajas," which translates to "friend", reflects our commitment to treating everyone with warmth and respect. Whi

I' m Just So Tired

I' m  Just  So  Tired  I' m  not  physically  tired  but  tired.  You  see  I  have  Bipolar  I  with  psychosis,  PTSD, and  General  Anxiety  Disorder.  “Wow  you're  nuts!”  you  are  thinking.  I  probably am!  Of  the  three  the  bipolar  is  the  worse  and  longest  running.  My  depression episodes  run  so  long  and  are  so  severe  I  was  originally  misdiagnosed  with  Major Depressive  Disorder  for  nearly  thirty  years!  “Why  are  you  sad?  Whatcha  got  to be  sad  about?  Just  think  positive,”  you  are  probably  wanting  to  tell  me.  Let  me stop  you  right  there.  You  may  use  the  words  “sad”  and  “depressed” interchangeably  but  sadness  doesn't  even  come  CLOSE  to  what  depression  feels like.  People  thinking  sadness  equals  depression  and  thus  discounting  what  we  go through  on  a  daily  basis  is  where  a  large  part  of  the  stigma  surrounding depression  comes  from.  Both  major  depressive  disorder