
Showing posts with the label constitution

Constitution? Yes Please!

Creative writing exercise on the viewpoint of an individual during the time of the creation of the American Constitution: for the Constitution Constitution? Yes Please!      Through my various contacts I have procured a copy of what was called to be a revision of the Articles of Confederation, but being the intellectual giants that are the delegates of the Constitutional Convention they took it upon themselves to toss out the nonfunctioning Articles of Confederation and take up the work of writing a new document that is now to the states to be ratified. Though ominous as it might seem that these mere men would decide without the people’s consent to discard the Articles and draft a new constitution, the document they have constructed is truly ingenious. I say this not by what my contacts have told me, but by proof of my own eyes for I have been supplied a draft of this proposed constitution which I have read thoroughly and completely several times. This proposed constitution whil

The Modern Entitled Brat Vet

The Modern Entitled Brat Vet I have no doubt I will get angry comments for this one but you should know by now: I DON'T CARE! I have the same Constitutional God given right to free speech as you do. So before you start just go ahead and stop your bitching. I'm from a very patriotic family full of veterans going at least as far back as the 1600s. My grandpa was a WWII vet, my dad and my uncle are Vietnam vets, my other grandpa was a post Korean war service man, the above mentioned uncle was a “lifer” in the service, another uncle was a “lifer” in his branch as well. Add in a bunch of great uncles, various degree of cousins and cousin-in-laws to the list of service members that I'm kin to and you can gather that I grew up immersed in the culture and have a great love and respect for veterans. Honestly I'm finding it hard to have much respect for a lot of the veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars of the past sixteen years. These vets have it better than any o