
Showing posts with the label good parenting

Embracing Independence: Why I've Decided to Stop Dating

Embracing Independence: Why I've Decided to Stop Dating In a world where dating apps and blind dates dominate the scene, I've made a bold decision: I've stopped dating altogether. And let me tell you, it's been the most liberating choice I've ever made. Gone are the days of stressing over what to wear, where to meet, and whether or not there will be a spark. Instead, I've embraced my independence and reclaimed control over my life. One of the key reasons behind my decision? Safety. Call me cautious, but I refuse to let anyone into my personal space. That means no inviting dates to my home or sharing my address. I've always been a "meet you there" kind of person, and I intend to keep it that way. Maintaining boundaries is crucial in today's world, especially when it comes to dating. By keeping my home and workplace off-limits to romantic interests, I ensure that my safety and security remain uncompromised. Let's talk about transportation. S

You Can't Be A Good Parent & Be Selfish

You Can't Be A Good Parent & Be Selfish One of the hardest things to come to terms with and learn to do is NOT be selfish once you become a parent. Once you find out you have a baby on the way the days of “I want” “me” and so on are over for at least eighteen years (more if you have more than one kid). If you are a woman and pregnant your body is no longer your own rather you are sharing it with this little person depending on you to protect it from everything, even yourself if you are selfish. I'm sure some of you are calling me every name in the book because you buy into the extreme form of feminism that says a baby is a parasite until it's born and a woman has every right to drink, do tobacco products, do dope, have casual sex, or whatever she wants EVEN when pregnant. Well to that I say you can X out now and go about your day or keep reading and hopefully learn how NOT to be a self centered bitch, your choice. Okay now that's dealt with let me continue.