
Showing posts with the label healthy

Lessons from Hurricane Harvey: The Power of Unity and Kindness

Lessons from Hurricane Harvey: The Power of Unity and Kindness In the wake of Hurricane Harvey, my workplace became a sanctuary for evacuees seeking refuge from the storm's devastation. From the moment they arrived on August 24th, I witnessed something truly remarkable: people coming together in the face of adversity, displaying acts of kindness and compassion that transcended race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. Throughout their stay, I saw individuals of all backgrounds lending a hand to one another without hesitation. Hispanics assisted Caucasians, green card holders were supported by their neighbors, the able-bodied helped the disabled, and the young looked after the elderly. It was a beautiful testament to the resilience and generosity of the human spirit. Here in Texas, we pride ourselves on our hospitality and sense of community. The term "Tajas," which translates to "friend", reflects our commitment to treating everyone with warmth and respect. Whi

On Dating

On Dating I was asked by an oversensitive male or three and a few apparently morally lacking females have never done something embarrassing. Sure I have but never something so stupid or disgusting as going to bed with some dude I don't know on the first date or picking up human feces. I have better judgment than this idiot obviously because (1) I wouldn't ever date offline (2) I'm not trash that goes picking up shit (3) I'm no slut so I wouldn't be going to some dude's house on the first date. Common sense says you don't do any of those and a lot of other stuff so you avoid being a laughing stock or called a whore. Sorry, this female who acted a whore and went to this dude's house on the first date and then played with her shit IS inferior to me and hopefully almost every other person on the planet. You made a crack about me being single. Nice try at shaming me for being happy! Didn't work!! Why would I want to get married? I don't need a ma

Embracing True Friendship: Surrounding Yourself with Uplifting Souls

Embracing True Friendship: Surrounding Yourself with Uplifting Souls In life's journey, we often come across individuals who shape our experiences and enrich our souls. True friends stand out as beacons of light, guiding us through the darkest times and celebrating our triumphs. A true friend is more than just a companion; they are a source of inspiration, lifting us up when we stumble and encouraging us to reach for the stars. They are the ones who lend a helping hand without hesitation, offering support and comfort when we need it most. What defines a true friend? It's simple: if they don't lift you up if they don't encourage you to do right, if they don't stand by your side when you're in need or feeling low, then they aren't truly a friend. In fact, they don't deserve a place in your precious life. Life is too short to surround yourself with negativity and toxicity. Instead, cultivate relationships with those who uplift your spirit and inspire you

Food Demo Girl Turned Foodie

                          Food Demo Girl Turned Foodie I worked for about two years for the food demo company that services Wal-Mart, Sams’ Club, and many others. I worked mostly at my local Wal-Mart and occasionally in other Wal-Mart’s and a Sam’s Club. I had already stopped eating a lot of processed foods but definitely not all. Most demos I did were food products-or food like food products. I demoed everything from Slim Fast, Clamato, juice, Greek yogurt, ice cream, pizzas, frozen foods, snack food, sodas, and on rare occasions I would have actual food; typically fruit and once chicken cooked with some ‘meal in a box’. After a few months I was very well and bored. I was able to set up, train someone, and still have time to go stir crazy…so I started reading the labels on what we were serving as well as exercising behind my cart. (Yeah I can’t stand not being mentally active) I was not surprised, but non the less very disgusted, by the horrible things that even I, with a