On Dating

On Dating

I was asked by an oversensitive male or three and a few apparently morally lacking females have never done something embarrassing. Sure I have but never something so stupid or disgusting as going to bed with some dude I don't know on the first date or picking up human feces. I have better judgment than this idiot obviously because (1) I wouldn't ever date offline (2) I'm not trash that goes picking up shit (3) I'm no slut so I wouldn't be going to some dude's house on the first date. Common sense says you don't do any of those and a lot of other stuff so you avoid being a laughing stock or called a whore.

Sorry, this female who acted a whore and went to this dude's house on the first date and then played with her shit IS inferior to me and hopefully almost every other person on the planet.

You made a crack about me being single. Nice try at shaming me for being happy! Didn't work!! Why would I want to get married? I don't need a man to support me, I don't need a man to house me, I don't want sex, and I'm done having kids. So why would I get married when I don't need a man for the reasons people get married? Shocking as it may sound I'm one of those females who supports & provides for herself, doesn't need sex, and doesn't have baby lust. So I have no need to date or marry and LOVE being single. My ex-husband was a violent piece of shit, I would have been stupid to stay with him. Rather I took back my life and divorced his sorry ass and have been happy and safe ever since.

Trying to insult someone for happiness self-respect, morals, and a brain appears to be the new norm in our "I'm an uneducated hoe & proud of it" society and that's a damn shame. We need more people with morals, self-respect & restraint, common sense, intelligence, and an education in this world not less. In this thread, this original comment was from I was called almost everything that a weak female would have been left in tears from. Personally, I found the personal attacks pathetic and weak because I don't care what someone thinks about me. I'm me and happy exactly the way I am. Some of the males on the post tried to insult me by saying they wouldn't date me. Is that supposed to upset me? I'm glad they wouldn't! I've been divorced for 19 years and 99% of that time I've been 110% single. I haven't been in a relationship since 2014 and the last guy I was talking with and spending time with was 2015. He's an acquaintance and that's all he'll be. I prefer being 110% single. I'm happier that way. So go ahead and be stupid thinking (1) your opinion matters to me or (2) everyone wants or needs to be in a relationship to be happy. That nonsense is what's wrong with our society and why so many jump from relationship to relationship rather than enjoy their own company. Singlehood is far superior then being in a relationship, you are only responsible for your own happiness, needs, wants, etc, and don't have someone holding you back. If you don't want to get married and have kids try being 110% single for a year, you'll be amazed at how liberating it is. 

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