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Emotional Response To Art

Emotional Response To Art I sometimes feel like there's something different about me because I don't experience a strong emotional response when I look at art, whether it's my own or others, including the works of renowned artists. I can appreciate the beauty and aesthetics of the pieces, and I admire the skill and realism captured in photo-realistic art. However, I don't feel the range of emotions that many people do when they view art - no happiness, sadness, anger, loneliness, excitement, or any other strong emotional reaction. There are some pieces of my own that I'm proud of because I feel like I've achieved what I set out to do. When I create art, it's driven by a deep desire within me. Unless I'm working on a commissioned piece, I create art for myself. I don't focus on how others feel about it or whether they like it. Of course, when I'm working on a commission, it's important that the buyer is satisfied since I'm creating