Emotional Response To Art
Emotional Response To Art
I sometimes feel like there's something different about me because I don't experience a strong emotional response when I look at art, whether it's my own or others, including the works of renowned artists. I can appreciate the beauty and aesthetics of the pieces, and I admire the skill and realism captured in photo-realistic art. However, I don't feel the range of emotions that many people do when they view art - no happiness, sadness, anger, loneliness, excitement, or any other strong emotional reaction. There are some pieces of my own that I'm proud of because I feel like I've achieved what I set out to do.
When I create art, it's driven by a deep desire within me. Unless I'm working on a commissioned piece, I create art for myself. I don't focus on how others feel about it or whether they like it. Of course, when I'm working on a commission, it's important that the buyer is satisfied since I'm creating the art specifically for them. There have been times when I've visited galleries and art museums and found myself in tears. However, these tears weren't a direct emotional response to the artwork itself. Instead, they resulted from my personal aspirations - the desire to complete my art degree, become a successful artist, have my work displayed in galleries and museums, and ultimately, feel validated as both a person and an artist.