
White Flag
Why do I still love you after all the
pain you have caused me?
Why do I care if you are ok?
In high school you broke my heart
countless times, including our junior prom where you started dating a
bitch who you had the hots for since the start of the year, and
didn’t think it should bother me
What the fuck?!
You were there with me! As friends or
not you and I had history and you knew I loved you and always will
and the right thing to do was to tell her you would answer her on
Monday because that night you were there with me, but NO you didn’t
think past the end of your dick and the chance to maybe get to fuck
her, which she never let you, she just wanted to piss me off and try
and cause a fight there and to hurt you so HA HA!!
You broke my heart when you left when
you were 18, you didn’t ask me if I wanted you to go or to stay,
and I didn’t think to tell you I wanted you to stay
Then in ’99 when fucking TR’s whore
of a wife sent your mail back which had your birth certificate in it
since your wallet was stolen on the bus up here and you ended up
having to go back to your grandma’s, I didn’t have the sense to
pack our son up and go with you and you didn’t think to ask me to
get our son and my self on that bus with you.
I was so scared of losing you that I
thought you were cheating on me and I believed your nutcase of a
sister over your word that you never would cheat on me and left
you-hardest thing I ever did was listen to your frantic messages on
the answering machine at what was going to be our apartment, I could
only listen to three of them then I just held the delete button down
as I cried and felt my heart and soul break…I never wanted to hurt
you or cause you pain but I did.
Then close to a year ago now I found
you again with help from my ‘sources’
YOU asked me to get back with you, not
the other way around
I never asked you, you have always
asked me, always, probably because you know I can never say no to you
Then your two aunts (by marriage) had
to cause problems for us and led to our break up, I still don’t
know what was going on at your location if you were doing G or
not if you were cheating on me as all things point to you doing or
what, for a few weeks you are all into us being back together wanting
to be together as soon as possible wanting to finally get married as
we had always wanted YOU asked me to marry you (over the phone
granted but you still did) and said that you were planning on getting
me the engagement ring you had always wanted to get me but could not
until now afford to get, then
What the fuck?!
You do a 180° and don’t call, act
like I’m an inconvenience, make a point of being over at G's place
where no one is supposed to call for you, and G gets all pissed if
anyone DOES call for you (and yeah I say fuck it I’m going to
anyway because if G thinks you are a personal babysitter that doesn’t
get paid then you should get phone rights like all other babysitters
especially since you aren’t the one making the long distance phone
calls you are receiving them and they aren’t keeping you from your
‘duties’, not like an 11yr old requires much), there for a while
you don’t mind me calling there as long was we don’t talk for
hours – which we haven’t done for years! Then I guess G lets into
you and you not liking conflict you let her bitch me out and don’t
take my back like you would have before ??!! then you start being an
a bit of a bitch your self, very distant, etc
We ended up broken up because you put G
first and your ‘family’ who isn’t even related to you, your
‘family’ by marriage…not the one person who has always had your
back, never judged you, always loved you, never made you pick sides
or expected you to choose as they were expecting you to do
Have you started to figure out that is
a mistake yet?
I hope so!
Hell you have THREE KIDS one you can’t
see until she is 18 and if they haven’t brainwashed her against you
–good luck there, another one that IS brainwashed against you and
is missed up known fact, and our son you could see him if you want to
you have always claimed him – now you want a paternity test, ok pay
for one, either way you can see him, but oh, that crazy looking bi
you are with can come to TX with you, but she can’t get within
three yards of my son and me same goes for G if you are still
speaking to G
If that’s not acceptable good luck
with whomever you manage to have a kid with, hope they let you see
your kid, I know how much family means to you since you never had a
normal one, we could have, still could, but could have had a normal
happy family together, but you have chosen to be with these, well,
these woman rather than with me… you always say that you think I’m
too good for me, I say you undervalue your self, you are a wonderful
man with an awesome heart
As Dido says in her song, I will never
put up a “White Flag, I will go down with this ship”
To the Goddess
the moon rises
this winter solstice
feel your energy
feel your power
pulsating energy of your being….of the earth
power is always there
grows stronger on these high holy days
To the Man
Though I know I
shouldn’t want you as much as I do
I do
Though I know you
say you are not ready for a relationship
I still want you
I fight myself
not to love you
But one cannot dictate to the heart
Fifteen years my
senior, but truly the kind of man I have always wanted
Good soul
Good heart
You woe me when
you say “We’ll talk soon, get together soon, I’ll kiss you
You don’t have
to do anything to make me want you
I already
You’re ex-wife
was sourly mistaken for taking you for granted
If you were
mine I never would
I would never
forget how lucky I am for having you
Don’t be upset
if despite everything I fall in love with you
Because I
easily could
To You
I got your email today
You obviously haven’t gotten my
letter yet
I read and deleted it
I’m waiting for you to get the letter
To read it
For you to be, well, rather mad at me
For the shit to hit the fan
But I have to
Had to
Do what’s best for me
Trust Truth Action
I want to trust you but I don’t know
why I’m having so much trouble with it
other than 'no goes' you have stood up
to your word
you seem to truly desire to be with me
at least at times you do
I know your scared to trust again your
but if you don’t meet me half way
I wont be able to see you want me
trust for trust
truth for truth
action for action
Two Faced Lying Bitch
Why not call her what she is?
Two faced lying bitch!
But you are not a lot better you
encourage her
Anything to spite me
Anything to hurt me
So…go fuck off asshole
Bitch don’t even try and start bull
I answered one of your lights when you
Only reason I didn’t change the lady
is AR who is USUALLY on that hall said you and her were going there
next and would get her
Not to worry about it
I offered to get the lady and AR
refused the help
How many times have you answered
someone else’s lights?
Not when they were one room away
What did you do when that happened?
You didn’t change the person or
whatever they needed, no you went and told them that so and so want’s
this, needs that, rather than help them and the resident out and do
How many times?
I can think of at least three or four
times that you have done that as a float when I’ve been there
You said I had a b ad attitude…whatever
Well you know what your attitude has
SUCKED since I met you and worse since this ‘light issue’ so GROW
UP and act like a professional
Since I work certain halls nearly
EXCLUSIVELY than take what I say about those individuals as gospel
truth and shut the fuck up
Walk Back in Time
Fall 01
Walk back in time and touch some stones
Stones in circles
Where ancient tribes buried their dead
Pictish stones
Incised with
Symbols, stones of broche forts
Perfect circular
Since long before the time of Christ
32 Days Later
I wish I did not still hurt
wish I could just get over you
Put you out of my
Out of my heart
I know we are over
You made your choice
However, I do not know why
You put me out of your mind
I do not doubt you have forgotten about
I think what hurts me the most, kills
me the most, is you claiming we are fine
Then shortly thereafter, you kill my
army.mil account
Then, only after
your family intervened on my account did you EMAIL me and so coldly,
bluntly, tell me we were through
No why
No how
even the GUTS to tell me over the phone since you are still so far
God how much I still love you; still need you, still want you, how
much I dread having to see you when you are back and I have to sign
your truck out of P.O.V.
You coming home was suppose to be a joyous thing for us, a chance to
see if we were headed where it seemed we were
But no, you chose a whore you cannot
trust over me
Me who would never hurt you, screw
around on you
What also kills me, your mom said you had mentioned before that you
knew the baby was yours and that if the tests came back and she was
yours that you would likely marry the whore
I know you are a good man but
ARE YOU INSANE!!!!????!!!!
Not like she has not already abandoned one husband and kids to go off
and do her own thing!!!
Not like she loves you or even cares if
you are happy or if she hurts you
I wish I wish I could just get over you
But how do you get over your soul mate?
Since I told you I don’t want more
Never will want more
think you liked the fact that I don’t
want kids and you do
I hope you are taking it into
considerable consideration
I hope you come to the same conclusion
I have
I saw today when I checked my email that you have read the Christmas
card I had put to deliver to you on Christmas before we broke up
I should care if it reopened any wounds or not since you have not
tried to contact me in anyway since you received and read my letter
All you did after that was change your status from long-term
relationship to single
No: up yours emails
No: I don’t understands
No: if this is what you want
No: nothing
But I do care
I guess more because I forgot the card was set up to send
But I will not budge- the ball is in your court
If you want me
Work for it
A.C. in June
I got your letter the other day
I was sick so I couldn’t write back
You are asking me the same things as
always – to get you over here
I say get yourself over here
If you really want me like you claim to
then get yourself over here
I would love to try something real with
you, see if we’re really compatible, see if we could have a future,
but I won’t do all the work
Always Have
I have always liked good looking guys
in BDUs
I’ve even always had a thing for guys
in any for military uniforms
But You
You look good not only in BDUs, dress
greens, but also in and out of everything down to your skivvies
Most people don’t look good in
nothing but their underwear or less
But you…oh you do!
You look good in a t-shirt and brief
And briefs are usually not sexy to me
at all
But they are on you
I love watching my monkey man jump on
his duffel to cram more in it in nothing but a t-shirt and
you are like the air to me
all I need is you to survive
I cannot breathe without you
I am alive when you are near me
I feel half dead when your not with me
you make me smile
you make me laugh
you make me giddy
those who see Reike see blue/green off
me after I have spent just a few hours with you
no one affects me like you
when we sing together it seems
perfect..not just to me or you but to the audience
there is nothing in the world to me
like your smile or the feel of your arms around me
I honestly believe what I see in your
eyes, feel from you, and see when you do things that you aren’t
conscious of doing that you do love me like I love you
you have never said it..not 'I love
you'..but you have said 'love you' and 'I do too' … I know you have
been afraid to loose me if we were to ever get involved
you think I would walk away from you if
you did anything like you used to do
if you cheated on me I might would have
to end a serious relationship with you but I would never turn my back
on you –ever-- you are my friend, my best friend, I trust you with
my heart my soul my life my everything...i could never give up on
you..no matter what
maybe you will choose to stay in that
toxic relationship you are in...maybe you will continue to see how
wrong she is for you and how miserable she makes you
just remember your promise that if you
two don't work out we would try..try at least for a baby..though I
know if we got together just for the intent of making a child
together it would take an act of God to break us..we both so
desperately need to be loved and need to love someone
as hard as it is I put my faith in God
that one day you will be may man, ideally one day my husband
I need you even more than I need air to
Since I told you I don’t want kids
Never will want more
I don’t think you liked the fact that
I don’t want kids and you do
I hope you are taking it into
considerable consideration
I hope you come to the same conclusion
I have
I want to get married
I want to get married now
You say you can’t wait
Neither can I but not just for sex
For this loneliness to go away
Get yourself a visitor visa, come here,
lets get married
Then you come here for your residency
and we’ll live together properly
I’m tired of being alone
I’m tired of being lonely
At least if we commit this strongly I
will know you are mine
I need a good anti-depressant
This move that was supposed to have
been better than being alone, grown and living in my parents’
home—has not be better…it sucks about even
We had a few good moments, not many
Not enough
I needed a lot more than you were
willing to give
You are still too immature and scared
from the whore you were with before me to have a real relationship
I try and be positive but doesn’t
work well
Soon I will be from here…one way or
We are about as far apart as two people
can get
You are at one end of the spectrum and
I’m at the other
You generalize and stereotype
everything I do than accuse me of over reacting when I get mad
All I know is I think we are falling
If we ever where whole to begin with
That we are not going to be able to be
I don’t think either of us can or
will give enough to ice over everything
We have had problems from the start…be
really since December
You taking the sluts side without
regard for me or what REALLY was said or happened I think snapped the
camel’s back
And doing your buddy's bidding instead
of telling him to talk to me himself…how childish and cowardly
You act like his BITCH
Then almost a month later when I got
upset that my computer died and believed that it wouldn’t have
happened without that same buddy jacking with its guts you took his
side and discounted my feelings as unimportant and knowledge of
technology and incorrect because said buddy doesn’t agree
Though I have
worked as a build technician BUILDING computers and know what is
actually harmful to them and what isn’t
No, you acted self-centered and once I
was mad you were being an asshole but trying to cover it by saying
you were ‘playing’…you have GOT to be joking
Now again you are accusing me of over
reacting and having a TANTRUMS! And yelling…who did that in your
past?? Because I wasn’t doing either!
You are again confusing me with your
past woman and generalizing AGAIN
You really don’t know me, do you? Nor
want to apparently
So really, be honest, do you want me to
stay or go?
It’s your sad excuse for a house,
more like a shack, your call
If you’re expecting me to say ‘Please don’t make me leave, please I love you please.’
You again have the wrong woman because
I won’t beg or plead…besides I’m close to walking away from you
and this sad excuse for a ‘relationship’ anyway
If you want me to go…I’ll go
If you want to actually try and want me
to stay, I’ll stay
But you have got to be willing to
I’m a strong willed, stubborn woman
and will not change or roll over and play dead for you or any manor
As the song says “are you strong
enough to be my man?”
Are You A Player Or Are You For Real?
Are you a player or are you for real?
Tell me what to feel
My friends think you are a player
You have yet to offer a defense
I try to trust you
I try to give you the benefit of a
But tell me
Explain to me
Which is it?
Are you a player?
Or are you for real
Do you just say “I love you” “I
miss you”
Or do you really mean those?
You somewhat confronted your prime
You wrote her and said, “I have but
one thing to say to you... You’re a bitch”
Did you write me?
Tell me you were sorry?
Explain you’re self?
Not as of Friday
Will there be an email in my box on
Time will only tell
So I close with this question again
Are you a player or are you for real?
Be thine own self be true
I am my own person
I need on one and nothing to fulfill my
own happiness
I can be and do anything I want to do
I am young, strong, intelligent, and
I am more than I was
But less than I will be
I will find and follow MY OWN PATH for
no one can find or walk it for me
I am my own person and will make my own
Be thine own self be
Break for life
I had to break his heart to give mine new life
He wasn’t the one I fantasized about to of to get off
He wasn’t the one I fantasized about to of to get off
He wasn’t the first and last things
on my mind every day
Maybe that’s not how it is suppose to
be, but that’s what I want
If he was all he says he is
Then he will have no problem finding
I rather be alone, just me and my
memories of real lovers and my fantasies then in a fake relationship
– wasting both our lives
He just wasn’t the one
I’m pretty sure “the one” got
away a long time ago and is surely married by now
I know I loved him, barely knew him,
but loved him, I would have married him
I don’t know exactly what he felt for
He at least felt SOMETHING for me,
because when he told me of his deployment I could tell he hated
telling me, hurting me
I think we both knew we would never see
each other again
That I would loose him and he would
loose me
I still miss him
I’ve tried finding him, but his name
is a bit common and I can’t remember which “San” his parents
lived in to help narrow it down
So I had to leave this one, to allow myself the chance to find the one that will make me feel something,
feel safe with, feel connected with
Break My Heart
You break my heart
possibly don't mean to or
know you do
you break my heart
you are having issues –
some people who should be reliable say your doing and slanging again
– you say your having a good bit of depression but not doing or
you told madre that you
changed your number to avoid everybody
- meaning those who want to see you fail
- as well as those who want to see you succeed
- maybe it shouldn't bother me since your family didn't have it either
we have been friends for
twenty years, I have only seen or heard from you maybe five times in
four months
you're madre says you know
how I feel and that I will always be standing by you
but it doesn’t feel like
if you do you aren't acting
like it / showing it
I love you a million times
more than I should, but I love you and only want the best for you
please stop breaking my
Can you solve the ache in my heart?
Can you heal my broken trust, my
bruised and battered heart?
Can we help each other develop a sense
of worth?
I have so little faith left that I
doubt that
I’m sorry for that
I’m sorry for defeating us before we
get started
Can We
friend for nearly twenty years
sparks always there
will we try to make something work
or is the risk to loosing our
friendship too great?
can you be my man only?
can you be happy with only one lover?
can you handle me when I have a crazy
crazy day?
you're a song writer, artist, musician
I'm a poet, writer, artists
can our similarities outweigh any
differences and ensure we have enough in common to find each other
can you grow to love me above all
Will I grow to love you above all
I know I could easily fall in love with
but will that love be returned?
if it is will it be strong enough to
endure or will it exsiccate
and die?
I love you
I have no doubt that I do
I love your voice, your
touch, your smile, your sense of humor, your taste, how you ramble on
when nervous, how you hold my hand with fingers intertwined without a
second though, how you respond to the slightest touch I give you, how
you will go down without a hint ever having to be given, how you feel
inside me, your eyes, your skinny ass self, your bald spot you are so
self conscious about, how you love to play along to all the songs you
know, how you'll tell me basically anything, how you get concerned
for me or when J called you were concerned for him
I think I might be having your baby, I have many of the symptoms but none of the tests would be
accurate yet
I know you're having a hard
time sometimes dealing with the divorce you are going through
been there done that baby
I know you care for me a lot
but I wonder if you're falling
in love with me
you mentioned an interesting
thing on Monday that there has been a study done that said when a man
considers a woman his mate he expels more sperm/semen than if he was
organism with a woman who he didn't feel that way for
what makes that really
interesting is the last three or four times you have not just cum but
ejaculated more and
more each time
do you consider me your
Does 'mate' equal love?
Please don't hurt me
I don't expect you to love me
to be honest I can't promise to love
you since someone else had my heart though he doesn't want it
be be honest with me
be yourself
treat me the way you want to be treated
don't lead me on
If you're only wanting a lover for a time
I need to know
if you want me to be yours I need to
when you decide you have had enough
just tell me please -face to face
I will let you go without argument
I just want to see your face when you
say it's over
I need to see that it's over from your
just don't play me
don't lie to me
I like having you in my life, knowing
you're my man
I feel safe with you and that is VERY
I feel wanted, needed, loved by you and
I can't remember the last time I felt that way from someone
Darkest days
Darkest moments
Sometimes I wonder where you come from
Do I summon you?
Do I create you?
Or do you just happen
Dark days
Dark moments
Not so in tune with the moon tides
So bleak, so long are the days of my
I wonder if I had had a family like
JPB’s if these would not come so often if my days would be better,
having had a real support system, people who do care about me, who
want to see me succeed?
Rather than the oppressors who love to
break me down, dog my every thought, choice, decision, bitch when I
try and succeed and moan when I give up
Would I be healthy, strong, happy like
JMB or would I still have ended up all fucked up?
I’ll never forget how your body felt
So hard, so sensual
You were the guy who made me L-O-V-E chest hair and not mind guys
dressed like cowpokes – that should have been a one man exception
I remember how your guys respected or
feared you
I remember how wonderful you were to me
Protective of Christie and Me
I remember how you kissed
How badly you danced
How you looked at me
Like I was the Goddess incarnate
I remember how your lips felt, cold
from your cold beer
I remember not minding the taste of it – was it even beer- it was
kind of sweet – and you were the sober acting one – and the
one driving- I doubt it was beer
I remember how I got, how we both got, lost kissing each other, the
noise from the club melting away till there was nothing but you and
Got so lost in your kisses that I barely realized you had put your
finger inside me and was rubbing my clit
Like I needed that
I had wanted you since I had first saw
Had wanted you since you first kissed
I remember the feel of your close cut hair to my fingers and your
slight-very slight-stubble
How sensual, sexy, hard but soft your
lips were
I remember how safe I felt with you
I barely knew you but I trusted you
I remember as we were walking outside together – looking for a
quiet place to make out and talk- just wanting you- being even more
impressed by how handsome you were and that you had picked me –
even if it was only for that night- this handsome, sexy, gentleman
solider wanting me and I wanted him
I remember you pointing out your car and me pointing out mine- mine
was farther way, bit more private so we headed there
I remember making out with you against
my car
Feeling your hard body pressed against me and the extra hard spot in
your pants wanting me like I was wanting you
I remember sliding my fingers into your shirt-between the buttons-
feeling your hairy chest and the rippling muscles under the hair,
feeling the same on your stomach
I remember you releasing your stallion from your pants, me reaching
out and feeling the hard, hot, long length of it, the firth of it
I remember you placing him just against
the heat of me
Me realizing then that I was going to be no modest lady that night; I
wanted you right then and encouraged you on in
I remember how it felt when you
sheathed your self in me, which alone was pleasurable
I remember the feel of your hard member sliding in and out of me, my
butt pressed against the side of the car and standing slightly on my
toes, holding on to you by the shoulder and waist, feeling your
buttocks contract and release as you pumped, you sliding in and out,
filling me up, touching every sweet spot their is to touch and still
madly kissing most of the time
I remember how good you felt
I remember you thrice making a bit of a puddle up towards the grass
and the front of my car with your little men
I know the fates must have been against me that night, because each
time I got close we would have to stop because of
movement in the parking lot or someone leaving and we would have to
act like we were just standing there, VERY close together- which the
stopping would make me loose my orgasm-but even without cumming I was
still very satisfied-would have been more with an orgasm or two and
more time with you
That is one night I will never forget
Maybe one day we will find each other again since we lost touch and
get to have more amazing times together
I miss you
Even with all your problems I miss you
I miss how it made me feel when you
kissed me
Touched me
You brought me back to life twice
And now I miss you again
You claim to be a modern day knight
But you're not
A knight had chivalry
If he was courting a lady he would take
a moment to inform her of his decision to court someone else
Not just disappear from her life
You say you are a modern day knight?
Sir, you jest!
Do you think of me everyday?
I think of you everyday
Wishing you here to stay
You sitting alone but
surrounded in your tend in the sandbox
I wonder what you dream of
when you close your eyes
Do you dream of me, of us
as one, of holding me in your arms, of kissing me upon your return?
I dream of you here by my
side, back here and safe from harm
I relieve our time
together in my head daily
Remembering our
bittersweet goodbye, my desire to cry all morning but not wanting to
make you feel bad
I remember the vet at the
gate giving you his warrior words of wisdom
I fear watching the news,
fear of hearing the worse, though I know your mother would call I
fear she would be to distraught
I wish to have gained the
courage earlier in the day to ask you to do the paperwork so I would
get the knock as well
So not to rely on someone
I feel your presence with
me always
Your nearness though so
far away
I can still feel your arms
around me, pulling me close to you the night before you left
I dream of more nights
like that-without the stress of what to come but of spending our time
together, I want more nights wrapped safe in your arms
I think of you every time
I see another soldier
I envy those already home
– I know that is not right but I do nonetheless
I think of these things
everywhere, alone in my room, surrounded in a small town in
central Texas
Do you think of me
Does Any Of This Matter To You?
If I stay or if I go
Would it matter much to you?
You have been so busy with your life I
wonder if you even think of the past, of me, of what we could have
I seem to have no life and my mind
constantly reverts to the past
Lately my mind has been falling on you
Wondering if we could be friends again
Wondering how you are
Thinking that I fucked up the time I
had you
Even as shy as you were I was still
better off with you
But honestly, we were too young to try
and have what we attempted
I guess in a way I guess I have been
holding every guy that I’ve dated up to not only my expectations
but also to how you treated me
Everyday That You Are Away Seems Like an Eternity
Everyday that you are away
seems like an eternity
I feel you close to me
even though you are so far away
I know when you are awake
I know when you are
thinking of me
I know when you are tired
and when you are sleeping
I do not need a crystal
ball or a spy among your mists to know this
I know it because I feel
you in my heart, in my soul
We are connected; we share
a love stronger than either of us has ever felt before
We are connected by our
hearts, by our minds, by our psychics
We are one soul, two
Everyday you are away
seems like an eternity
Even knowing all that I
know I miss feeling your touch, your kiss
I miss your voice, your
arms, all the physical nearness we had before your deployment
I miss our hours of
I miss just laying in your
arms watching TV or talking
I miss sleeping in your
I miss you
Everyday that you are away
seems like an eternity
F 2 the T
I did 'ok' today
when T told me you had showed up out at
her house my heart only half way jumped into my throat and stopped
for a millisecond
I also managed to hold my tongue over
all and not say “what the fuck is wrong with you?!” when you were
pretending I was invisible
T and me know you were high and coming
down hard
you are hard on my heart
sometimes I wish never to see you
most of the time that's all I want is
to see you
Falling Apart
We are falling apart
And what can I do about it? Nothing,
because it takes two to fix
What will you do about it? You won’t
even admit there is a problem
I honestly haven’t felt like you want
ME for over a month now
Like all you want is a pussy to fuck
I won’t allow myself to be used like
If you really want to be with me
… be with all of me
I don’t want to be second or third or
fourth or hundredth place in your life
I won’t be without an opinion when I
have an opinion like your buddies girlfriend who is petrified of
him…how sad really
I should have to come after your buddy
and your mother – that’s not right
If you still want to be with me...show
Really show it, all the time
You want me to respect you and ignore
your insufficiency than respect me and treat me like the lady I am
trying to become not like the common whore
Here in the last week I have really
doubted that we will last, should we try or should I walk on?
Fantasy vs. Reality
Why is it our fantasies of what will happen always let us down?
Is it that reality sucks so much our mind takes creative
license and makes up a scenario that is ideal?
Why is that you: JPB cannot be for me what I want you to be, or at
least seem like it once again – even if only for thirty minutes
when we met up for the return?
I am so glad that DK advised me NOT to go to the Welcome Home, I
would have made a fool of my self in front of you, your parents, and
everyone else there and have been severely disappointed and
undoubtedly left crying
I wish I would not have falling in love with you as I did
It would make the fact that you do not love me romantically easier
and it would be maybe possible for me to move on
Instead, I still want you, I ache when I see you, when you are around
I can deal with you on the phone, but in person is a different matter
Let go of my heart, though you do not want to...you still own it
Why can’t reality be more like my fantasies – at least when it
comes to you?
FWT you confuse me!
Mr. you confuse me
you have been throwing hints
in your letters to me for nearly a year that you are attracted to me,
want to be with me
but never actually said it
you made sure you Saturday
that I knew where the party for you would be and that I met every
member of your family there, even showing me pictures of those not
you opened the car door and
house door for me every chance you got
you also made sure to let me
go first if I was walking with you like I typically was
- maybe your just REALLY really a gentleman
- maybe you are hoping I'll leave CRG for you
- maybe you would do this anyway
- I just don't know!
You made sure you were
sitting next to me or else very close to me
you made me a drink without
a second thought when you asked if I wanted one when most would have
just said where the stuff was
you pretty much treated me
like a queen in every way
- maybe that's just your way
- but you didn't even go so far for your mom who had surgery two weeks ago
every time you saw me in the
store or when you all picked me up you lite up and got a big sweet
goofy smile on your face
A. said she saw 'sparks'
when we greeted and talked both time you were in the store
- I didn't feel them though I wonder if you kept everything I sent you since you kept that picture I sent you of me me and D – only one I could find of me
I wonder what you feel for
I wonder if you are thinking
about me
I wonder if you will come by
the store this weekend when I work to see me
I wonder if I heard you
right when I went to hang up on Friday when you called me from
Huntsville and Saturday before the party – I thought I heard “I
love you”
saw Victor today
old friend from high school
both dreamed of a life in the service of country
jets, dogfighting
were aviators in the making
dreams were our lives
I got stupid and pregnant
got stupid and in trouble for drugs
or 7 years later he got back on tack
an aviator but he has made his military dream come true
is in the Guard
am so proud of him
am so jealous of him
year and few months after my swear in – and in retrospect should
have shipped off to basic training right then – I am still stuck
here in this hell, fat and jealous of a good friend
will not live here after January
will be upstate
give myself only till may 2009 to loose these sixty pounds I need to
do, do the guardian ship thing for Jon, and be in shape enough to do
the PT requirements
I will get the Navy to pay for my medical school
years inactive active duty
years active duty thereafter
will happily give them twenty
have to realize my dream
may never get to fly tomcats, but being military is my dream
have never wanted to do anything else
do not want to be jealous of y friends
Joe, Joao, Denny, Kim, Deb, Gary, Frank, and most definitely not
How do I
How do I tell you how much I have come
to love you, not just as my best friend but as the man I want to
spend the rest of my life with
How do I tell you that it kills me when
you want to spend your time with another woman, because you say your
afraid of getting involved and losing our friendship if you can't
manage to be faithful
How do I convince myself that I don’t
care who all you sleep with as long as I’m the one you come home
to, can I even do that?
How do I tell you that I love you,
without loosing my best friend
Could you possibly be loving me as
more than friends, is that one reason you fear llosingme?
Could you want me like I want you?
Could you be thinking of me when you
touch them, kiss them, have sex with them?
I know that sometimes you have dreams
that have something to do with me, even if it is just about getting
mail to your bunk back on the inside
You make sure hugs linger
When I surprised you and kissed you on
my birthday you not only kissed back but did so with passion
you always have a smile for me no
matter how you feel or whom else is there
You made sure that I met all the family
that gathered for your welcome home and you seem generally pleased
that your mom likes me
When you led me through the dark yard
at John's by the hand it felt so perfect, never holding hands with
anyone ever felt so perfect
There was a gentleness, a firmness, a
warmth, a perfection, a spark in how you held my hand
I don't want to believe even for a
minute this affection you feel for me, this spark I feel between us,
that others see between us, is all imaginary
you trust me to mess with your cell to
try and do whatever you need done to it regardless of what you have
on it – that's supposed to be a sign of major trust
When I asked you if you wanted me
contact the schools that teach what you are considering doing you
said “I don't think we need to worry about that right now. We'll do
that later on” – you do that now and then, speak of the future
to me in 'we' form...does that mean you see a future with me? Once
you have gotten through this stage you are in / this rough road?
I know I can not imagine my life
without you in it
I know I don't want any other man but
I know sometime in the future, maybe in
a week, maybe in a month, maybe in December, maybe next June when
you've been back a year, maybe in three years..I'm going to ask you
to agree to have two children with me when we are thirty-eight, one
that year one the next, if we both are still single..or maybe even if
you are taken. We both want children, both want two more, I can see
in my mind what our children would look like and they are beautiful.
I have never truly wanted to have children with someone, but I do
with you that's how deep my love for you goes.
How do I make it through tonight
wanting you, even just to hear your voice
how do I make it through the next four
days without being stupid and telling you I love you over the phone.
I have ended phone calls with you more
than once saying 'love you' … you have never commented if you have
I never planned to fall in love with
I was just going to be a good friend
and be there for you while you were locked up and of course be your
friend when you got out still too.
I never thought I would fall in love
with my buddy from jr high
when I saw you in lock up I first
thought 'shit! Well he's in here not like he can tell anyone before
Wednesday that he saw me', my second thought was 'damn f----ie you've
gotten more fine since I last saw you, still got that amazing smile',
I never thought that over a year of writing you and you writing me at
least once a week, often more, that I would not only gain a true best
friend but fall in love with him too.
I can't live without you in my life
And gods how I hope when I do tell you
how I feel it doesn't make us 'weird', that we will be ok
I don't think I could go on living
without your friendship, without knowing you have my back
I love you FWT with all my heart and
soul, there is no one else for me ever, you are my beloved, be
How do you fall out of love?
I thought I would check the news
on the first Cav website – just to see if you were mentioned yet –
you were not
I know I have no business
wandering about you, but what I cannot help I cannot help
I figured what the hell, I’ll
check the 115th website, see if it has changed – it had
– it had pictures now
I looked at the thumbnails;
hoping one would be of you
I saw one I thought might be you
– the man’s nose made me think it was you – it was you
I thought I was going to swallow
my heart
I cried because I was so happy to
see your face
But you’re not mine anymore
But I still love you
My heart breaks to think of you
because I still want you so much
We have been over since July
How do I get over you?
How do I stop loving you?
How did you stop loving me?
How could you just put me out of
your mind, out of your heart, as if I never meant anything to you?
Or did I ever?
Or did you only see me as an easy
I have a hard time believing that
you thought that little of me – you honestly seemed to care, to
mean what you said
If I did mean that little and you
pretended that well than you deserve an award for your performance –
it was magnificent
I am really not looking that
forward to seeing you when its time to sign your truck out – it
will kill me to be that near you and not be able to hold you
But you will hear what I feel
what I think and a demand for a better explanation – that you will
How am I supposed to stop loving
the only man I have ever loved this totally, this completely?
How I feel
Despite my self, there is love
Despite the danger you will face
soon, there is love
I feel so at home with you
this is not our first time together
we have lived all our past lives together
Despite myself, I feel like I
have found what I was looking for
Despite my self, I fear loving
I do not know what I would do if
you die in battle
I fear you losing interest and
setting me aside
Despite my fears I have fallen
like an iron weight in love with you
I can visualize a life with you,
even children
One year may seem like an
eternity right now, but I can wait, I will still want you, I will
still need you, I will still love you
I just LOVE not being believed
I just LOVE basically being called a
You two, especially you KLSB, are SO
predictable: what you two say is ALWAYS TRUE AND CORRECT and everyone
else is wrong and stupid – even when it’s the other way around
My gods your family, y9our supposed to
believe me, be supportive, etc, but you DON’T – never have
I know it was “it” who I saw in the
I know it was “it” who I saw
running from our street and tore up my car
But you don’t believe me, hell you
don’t CARE
You two are WORTHLESS
I Could
I could need you
I could want you
I want you to need me
I want you to want me
I Know
I know you lied about going to the
movies with Dustin
Dustin and pair…unhuh
I know the only way that happened is if
you agreed to go with Sam and him and some other female – got a
real good guess who, on a double date
He wouldn’t do anything to help you
or treat you like a friend otherwise because he’s a user and a
You’ve been acting odd and secretive
since that day, closing down messenger windows if you think I might
be able to see what is wrote there, having quiet phone conversations
All this strongly suggest you have a
new girlfriend and you aren’t bothering being a man and telling me
I know what you are
I know you need to grow up and be a
You really don’t have a clue how to
act, how to treat a woman, to be around a REAL woman do you?
That’s SO sad
Pathetic really
I want
want to be loved
much as I love
want to be needed
much as I need
want to feel safe in my lovers arms
I did with you
want to be held
passionately as you held me
want to feel beautiful
I did with you
want to be loved, needed, longed for
I never have stopped for you
want to be turned on by just being in my lover’s presence
I was with you
I Yearn
yearn for
the sweet contentment of peace in someone who loves me, wants me,
needs me, will never tear a hole in my heart, or make me feel like a
fool…the one who will be mine until our deaths
yearn to
be wanted as much as I need him
to be loved as much or more than I love him
to find my best friend, my champion, my companion, my lover
for someone who moves at the same speed as me, who isn’t afraid to
try, who will put their heart on the line
If Only I
Could Ask You This
In Person or
On the Phone…
What are you?
What are we?
Should I take what your mom said as truth or wonder if it is what you
want me to believe?
Yes, I am untrusting; I have not had a
reason to trust anything at face value in a very long time
I fear I put myself out there for no
I fear you hate me
I fear I lost your friendship long ago
and there is nothing I can do to get it back
These are just the fears...
The worries...
That I have about you
I want to be your friend
Do you want to be mine?
I am sorry for the spiteful things I
did to you
I just couldn’t tell then if you
cared – which I believe you did
Do you still?
I’ll Take What I Can Get
I did not expect to meet a decent guy
I did not expect to find anyone really
If it had not been for both of our
loneliness and wild ideas to put an ad where we did we would not
have met
How lucky we are
How unlucky we are that we cannot have
something long term like I believe we both would like
I’ll take whatever I can get with you
Will you take what you can get with me?
Maybe your hope of not getting deployed
will come true
Even if it does that is ok too
I’ll take what I can get
We will stay in touch while you are in
Maybe when you get back we can have the
more we want
If you want
I’ll take what I can get
I'm Sorry
I'm sorry you are hurting
I want to hurt the puta that has hurt
you and keeps stringing you along instead of ending it for good
I hope and pray God touches your heart
and closes that love you have for her down so you can heal and opens
your eyes to see you are worth so much more than these dope hoes
In memory of accident on 8-11-03 in Greece
A moment of silence for your fiend who wasn't as lucky as you... but I'm glad that god decided to keep you here a bit longer instead of taking you to him that day... don't despair be happy... he would want that and know I love u thinking of you and hoping you get to feeling better physically and emotionally soon.
Irrational Addition to You
When I saw your profile and it had
changed from long term relationship (us) to single (us apart) to long
term relationship (you and someone else)
Or so I think you changed it the first
Did you?
My heart leaped from my chest to my
throat, beating rapidly
I did not realize till then that I did
in fact care that deeply for you
That I did in fact love you
Even though I should have know since the thought of you not being
faithful to me and the fear of losing you would make me cry at the
drop of a hat when we were together
I guess with the distance I thought neither of us could REALLY be
feeling what we were saying we were
That our love for each other was imaged
and stemmed from longing
Now the though that you might be
falling in love with someone else, making love to her
Eats away at my soul
Now I think I have lost you for good
That she will be smart and get her claws in you good and not let go,
that she will fight to keep you
Now I realize I was a fool
Now I know I was an idiot to let my loneliness, the distance, my
despair get the best of me – to rashly throw us to the side
The very few dates I have been on since we broke up where sparkles,
empty, totally without connection
I have only once before felt any kind of connection as strong as I
had with you
You are the only guy I can picture my self ever married to – when I
feel it is ‘safe’ enough to marry again
I don’t know why I am so scared of being married again
I do know I am afraid of losing my self or someone smothering me –
killing my sense of self
I have never told you all of what I have gone through – especially
in my first marriage
You never seemed to want to think of me with anyone else and never
asked and I am not too keen on sharing that unless I must
I let you go
I hurt you once again
I should be moving on
So, why am I so irrationally obsessed addicted even with you?
Do you think of me half as much as I think of you?
If you were not with someone else – if you are- would you want any
kind of future between us? Would you risk it again? Endure it again?
Is It?
Is it fear?
Is it intuition?
Is it paranoia?
I think you have been avoiding me for
the last two days
Are you hopefully feeling more than you
Are you not wanting to see me anymore
but are too much of a coward to answer your phone when you see I’m
calling much less tell me?
I don’t like being left hanging
I like knowing where I stand
Is The End Near?
You seem to be pulling away
from me
you near text me anymore
unless in response to one I send you
totally opposite from the
you seem distant
you hardly want to spend any
time with me anymore
when we talk – public or
private – you make less eye contact than before
like you are disinterested
if you don't want to see me
anymore just say so
will I be hurt?
Yes of course I will be
but I see the end
approaching and wish you will just say it instead of, I don't know,
do you expect me to it it?
I don't think you could
handle another woman walking away from you
you need to do it this time
so are you scared of what
you feel?
I don't think that is it but
I could be misreading you
have you grown tired of me?
If so say so and we'll try
and it make it as friends alone
regardless of why just tell
me what you want, what you need, you say you want to keep me as a
friend..well how do you expect to do that if you want be honest with
It is unfortunate for you
You are unfortunate to be wanting me
Wanting what you want
You want me to move to you since you own a home and I do not so we
can be together
I do not want that
I do not like living here with these people much less the thought of
living with another
You know if we had met before last march…I would not hesitate to
consider what you are offering
I do not know what exactly has changed in me this last year to make
me not want to live with anyone
Maybe it is an automatic reaction to being hurt by him
Maybe I have just matured to the level that I truly, really just want
to live alone and if I date do it without the complications that go
along with living together
Maybe I just have so little faith in relationships now that I would
not ever consider putting myself in the situation where I felt I had
nowhere to go again
Or that if I needed to leave the relationship I would not do it till
I had secured a place to stay
Maybe it is also because you are so far away from where my plans have
me for a while
I do like you
I would like to be able to date you maybe
But I have no intentions of moving to you nor asking you to move to
Which would mean we would never date because we are 14 hours apart
and I will not do that kind of long distance relationships anymore
Jose, the last time I saw you you
seemed so sad
Michelle says that the girl you where
with is your wife
But she calls herself Felix’s wife
when she is just his live in girlfriend
That and you did not introduce her to
me – either way
I know you have always had a thing for
I kind of knew but never wanted to
consider risking our friendship by being more than friends
But I cannot get over the loneliness,
the sadness I have seen in your eyes the last several times I have
seen you
I secretly hope that she is not your
That way I can steal you way from her
so we can find comfort in one another
Michelle is suppose to get me your
Once I have that I will be able to call
you and find out
Maybe we can put each others loneliness
to bed
I feel like the killer of relationships
The killer of hope
Or maybe the killer is just my shadow
I have never had a successful
I have never had the ‘love never
dies’ experience
My family likes to through my
mistakes back in my face
My family enjoys rubbing my nose
in my shortcomings
My family likes to claim I think
I do no wrong – what a crock of shit
And they wonder why I tried it in OK
Is it not obvious?
He seemed like he might be my champion,
might care about my son and mine well being, be the healer of my
HA! How foolish of me to have such
He is just like all the men I have ever
dated – not worth their weight in sand much less salt!
How I would love to have a ‘happy
ever after’
How I would love to have someone that
wanted more than just to fuck me, but really wants me for me
But there is no such thing as that is
If there ever was there isn’t now
I have too many issues
I have too many problems
My son has too many problems and issues
This package is too much trouble, not
worth the effort for any man
My life has been screwed since
I have no idea why I was born
There is nothing great I have ever done
I’ve screwed everything up and
screwed up everything I have ever done in my life
I have / had no direction in my life
I don’t have some great talent or
spot of insight to share with the world
I delude myself with thought that maybe
I was born and forced to exist so that my son would be born, that he
is destined to something great
But can a child with so many issues be
I have no faith
No hope
No love
No happiness
No want for life
Nothing to give
Nothing to accept
Just loneliness
Just sadness
Just emptiness
Like a Scab
Why am I always willing to rip my heart
open a little bit over you?
I get a little healed and want to be
near you, hear you, feel you
So I call and although nothing bad is
said I hang up feeling raw inside
Because I know you are not mine and
never will be again
I know that what I feel for you is not
But I do not care
You are still the one I hunger for,
long for, need, see in my dreams
I know all you want is to be friends if
even that
And that is all I will ever have of you
again…your friendship, never your body and defiantly never your
I know you know, because I told you,
that I love you and want to be your lover
Even if it came without commitment I
still would
I need you; despite it all I need you
Even though there is another man who
adores me, wants to make me his wife
Who has always treated me right, I
still want you
The thought, the memory, the longing
for you overshadows anything he could say or do
As foolish as it maybe I still want all
that you said…the stupid fluff you said to make me feel wanted
I believe the huge attraction that is
so obvious between us is undeniable
That kind of electricity, that
attraction, is so intense that if it was lightening it would kill us
both, fry us to cinder it is so strong
You will be home sometime tomorrow,
Monday, from seeing family
Then you leave for recruiter school in
You have no idea how much I would love
to send the next two months with you, in your arms
Though I know that is unlikely, I would
be more than willing to do that, regardless of the pain I would
suffer when you leave
Because no matter how small the
interaction…you ripe into me like a knife to a few day old scab
opening me up to wanting you just enough to make me ache
And yet I still want you regardless of
how much it aches
Missed Chances
I didn’t give you a fair chance three
years ago
And I missed my chance
You are married now and have a little
I never realized that I cared so much
for you till you told me that
I lost my chance
And you are happy and in love without
You didn’t even remember me
You only barely did after much
I’m sorry
I missed my chance
I think I loved you A.G.
My Addiction
You are like an addiction to me.
I see you and talk to you I’m good
while we are there but when we part ways I ache with need for you
one more minute
one more hour
one more hug
one more look
one more smile
I know it would never be enough you're
an addiction to me.
My Best Friend, My Heart Ache
we have been friends for over 20 yrs
and yet you have abandoned me
we had reconnected back in '09
we grew close while you were locked up
and grew closer still for the first
three months you were out
then you settled with a hoe-bag who
thinks a woman is supposed to control a man
you stayed friendly but distant because
of the bitch for nine months
and now you have not spoke to me,
answered when I called you, text me back, nothing for just shy of a
month..and you go and delete your account and not respond to anything
from me at all today...
I love you
and I wish I didn’t
because I know before long you will
reach out to me and I am too weak to push you away and ignore you as
you do me
I know the bitch will hurt you again
and I will be the one you turn to when
you are hurting again
who do I turn to when I am hurting
because I need you, want you, desire you so much
who do I turn to when I want to talk to
you, to see my best friend?
That's right I don't have anyone to
because you're supposed to be able to turn to your best friend
what do you do when your bestfriend is
the one who is hurting you?
My Broken Heart
you break my heart in two
you know we would be amazing together
but instead you never give us a chance
instead you messed with some sluts and
settled for one of them
she nearly destroyed you last Thursday
who kept you sane?
Who kept you from killing yourself?
Who stayed awake all night to make sure
you stayed breathing and didn't die?
Who held you when you were crying?
I tell you I love you and I wonder if
you understand just what I mean
yes I love you as a friend, you are
but I'm IN love with you
I love you with all my heart and soul
the thought of you wanting, loving that
loathsome puta sickens me
she claims to love you but doesn't or
she wouldn't have left you for “her kids” – yeah right more
like her husband's money
if she 'loves you' it's your third leg
like J and B do
everyone, even your FAMILY, think we
are together..always have...they all think we would be good together
they thought that back in June and your
sister-in-law thought we were together last night when we went to
Cathy and Mr. Venice Beach thought we
were a couple when we were at CI and couldn't get why we weren't
NO ONE gets why we aren't together
I appreciate that you don't want to
hurt me...think you're protecting me...that you respect me
it's obvious you respect me since all
the times you could have fucked me and you haven't not even when you
were drunk or high on painkillers
are you blind to how much it hurts
me that you are with everyone else BUT me?
All I want is ONE fair chance to show
you what something REAL something REALLY real is like..how great we
could be
will I ever get that chance?
My Dear Passion
last thing I want is to scare you away but I really like you
want to transfer to a college closer to you so that I can be closer
to you, so that when we want to get together we can without an extra
hour drive
if we get serious than it will be easier without the added distance
of now
don’t see us realistically ending up married but I see a good
possibility of us being a couple for a while
is something that would be nice
I am satisfied and not worried of you being with someone else or
disappearing on me like I have with others in the past
it is because we started off very frank and honest with each other –
the very least either of us expects in any relationship: honesty
guard our friendship, our relationship close to my heart
make my heart light, my mouth smile, my voice giggle, and my face
light up every time you call…you hug me...you talk to me...you kiss
me...you hold me
My Fear
My fear continues to mount
Have I lost you?
Your email said: “you were the girl I
Then you say: “I still love you”
I know you are busy, but I am going
crazy wanting to talk with you, try to fix us – if you want me back
I am going to try and get a small
calling card today if you are not online at eleven and call you –
even though I can’t really afford it – but I’ve got to talk,
via email, chat or phone soon
I am afraid of loosing you
My Misery
my friend
my love you push us all away for a
you get pissed if friend of family
tells you straight about your puta
you threaten to leave our friendship of
two decades behind in the dirt because i tell you how i see it even
about her
pretty FUCKING sorry
you know I have loved you for nearly
three years now not by my choice it would have been easier if I had
never felt anything but friendship for you
but you continue to choose others over
me what the fuck does J, A, R have or will do that I don’t have or
you think I won't do?
how would you know?
you have only ever kissed me
we have shared a bed but that about
about the most platonic experience ever
“you know I love you and respect you
that's why we never dated”
Or is it cause all those hussies you
know would be an easy lay and now one has you by the short and
curlies and doing a bang up job manipulating you
I can't promise I can tear the scab off
my heart the next time you are in crisis
I can't promise my heart can take you
breaking it again when you take a horseback or chose another dog
I WILL always love you
I WILL always be your friendship
have you never LOOKED and seen what is
right in front of you all this time?
Or is it the fact I'm not a dope hoe
that turns you off – can't handle a real woman?
Fine have your trash
I can't promise I'll still want you
when they use you all up
We must look funny to mundanes
We drive for hours and hours in custom;
WE feel normal
Are normal
Mundanes glance nervously at us
Or stare
When we go in somewhere in garb
Like they're afraid we’re out of a
Harry Potter book
We’re not
We’ve been around for over twenty
years now
We get together
Sew, cross-stitch, make armor, fight,
sing, dance, camp, do poetry,
Share our lives like anyone else
Even mundanes
We just have more fun!
Luck of the Irish
What luck I have!
First semester in college:
Car wreck
9 – 11
Second semester in college:
Our house burns
I don’t have THAT much Irish blood in
I guess a few drops is all you need,
To have the luck of the Irish!
Week of Horrors!
in puddles in a triangle inside a circle
an iris in the middle
star alignment
feelings of doom
this seen and felt by two
bush out of corner of eye
not actually burning
this seen and felt by 3
by 2
home and find house burned
mom in tears
son in shock
cat missing
cat dead
I own gone
everything else gone too
couldn’t we read the signs?
many emotions?
many people?
are enough
wear off
have one pair of shoes, one set of cloths
of my school things, no violin, no pictures or emails or letters to
remember by
Love Over Oceans
People don’t understand how I can
love you from so far way
We’ve never had a real date
Never held each other's hand
Never kissed
Never made love
But, I love you
I want you and no one else
My friend thinks I’m nuts
Hell, most of them do
Only one of my friends understands
Her boyfriend is in Corpus Christi
Not quite so far away as Albania or
But still long distance
Some think I should sleep around on you
That you do the same to me
That you will never know
I wouldn’t
I couldn’t
I can’t hurt you
I can’t hurt you like we’ve both
been hurt before.
That is the ultimate sin,
the ultimate betrayal
I can’t hurt you, definitely not like
I may, one day, hurt you
Or you may hurt me
But we will have tried
We will survive
I know our love is real because
distance doesn’t bother us that bad
We trust each other
Even without looking into each others
A letter
An email
A call or two
Is all you have to do to brighten my
And all you must do to brighten mine
You say your English is bad
Well, love, it’s better than my
And it’s better than before
I want to know you
Hold you
Kiss you
I yearn to feel your kisses on my lips
On me
Someday, we'll be together
And they’ll know we love each other
All the way
My Portuguese Man
You play a good game
So good I was unaware of it
So sly
So smooth
That you were the only one aware that
you did not mean anything you said
So aware of the electricity between us that you knew that you would
use it, exploit it, as you wanted
I loved listening to you speak in
So calming, so beautiful how it rolled
off your tongue and out those perfect lips
I do not know why I was surprised that
you lied
I do not know why I was shocked that
you played me
Everyone always has
No one values honesty or love anymore
I honestly hoped that your parents raised you with the same values
they had been raised with in Portugal that you would have respect and
not be a player...I should have known such a handsome man with such a
short period before he was deployed would not really want me…just
what I could give him physically…
Why would you want a woman like me?
Why would you not want to use me, play me, pretend to care for me…you
could have any woman you want…why would you want me
You play a good game my Portuguese man
So good that I was oblivious of it
My Soul Aches
soul aches to be loved
soul aches to be made one
soul aches to be wanted as much as I want
soul aches to find contentment in ones arms
My Stand True Puppy-Man
You have tolerated my
paranoia, my ups and downs
You have welcomed me back
with open arms
You take me as I am and
love me regardless
You stand true to me
You are my stand true
I am a fool to ever have
thought I could be happy with anyone other than you
You may be young, but you
are not immature- you are a man
My man
Or you have been
You are not right now,
because I got scared and jumped ship and did not realize the good
thing I had
Nevertheless, I will be
your girl when you want to be my man again
I may never have gotten to
kiss you
I may never have gotten to
feel your arms around me
I may never have gotten to
know what it is like to make love to you
However, I know you are
the only one for me
The man I am meant for
The man I want to be with,
to grow old with
This is all up to you
I have hurt you more
times, than I ever should have and it would be only fair if you never
wanted me back, so I leave the cards in your lap
You decide where we should
go from here my stand true puppy-man
My Thoughts on FK
Should I go the extra mile to try and
maintain this friendship?
Show him that we can be friends even
though I am talking with someone else
That doesn’t change the fact we have
been friends for a long time
We’ve been friends since Jr. High
Shouldn’t that count for something?
At least he is close to living our
That neither of us has fully achieved
I don’t know what his life has been
like these last six years
I only know mine has not been too good
But I know he has done better with his
life than I
That we both ask about the other
That we both care enough to wonder and
to think of each other- isn’t that enough to show we care?
But maybe when his mother asks mine or
me how I was it was for her own curiosity
She has only once or twice said that he
sends his regards
Maybe I am the only one caring enough
to want to keep his friendship and to wish him well
That would not be so unusual
That is quit common
Should I take that extra mile to see if
he cares?
Or should I just leave well enough
My Wizard
I think you cast a spell on my heart on
You were there with staff in hand
Wisdom in your eyes
A mischievous smile upon your lips
You spoke an unspoken incantation to
awaken my slumbering bruised heart
You made me wonder by the end of the
night what it would be like to be wrapped in your chivalric arms, to
kiss your lips that speak such intelligence and humor
Most do not get a raving review from
the heir but you do
Do you wonder the same as I do?
No Breaking Please
two and a half weeks and first bump in
the road
not bad all things considering
I'm sorry your daughter is giving you
pissing you off
I'm sorry your hopefully soon to be
ex-wife continues to cause trouble
I'm trying to give you the space you
asked for
you must understand how scary that can
be for me
last two I loved like this asked for
that then walked away
I don't really think you are wanting to
walk away but still I fear this
I haven't told you I love you, not
I did slip the other day when you
dropped me off and said “love ya”
I'm not sure you heard me
I think you did though with the rapid
blinking you did
I'm pretty sue if you knew I loved you
already you would run
my bad timing and me told you about my
probation and why yesterday
I'm actually worried you think I'm not
worth it because of that
it would be sorry if you did since I
still believe in you after you told me about what your step daughter
did to you and how that cost you five years
I'm not like either of your ex-wives
verbally abusive of you
cheating or would cheat on you
or leave you for anyone, especially
another woman
no, you see I could never do any of
that to you because those things always happen to me
I often over analyze
Try and make more out of your words,
your reactions than there is
I try and understand you – or so I
say- through subtle things you say at will
No I always try and read into your
reactions and words to ….
Sensitive things I say like how you
told me not so long ago that you’d rather discuss
marriage when were are face to face, not over the phone
I guess I just
don’t like that answer at all
I know you have a good point in wanting
to discuss that topic face-to-face but my mind just keeps popping up
those paranoid thoughts
Those thoughts that my mind naturally
put there after being hurt so bad so many times
Those thought that fester worse since
numerous people that you would think would want the best for me
have placed a little more doubt in my mind
I don’t doubt you
I know I can trust you
As you say, we are one soul with two
I can feel your truth in my bones
I can feel your love to the depths of
me even without you here
I guess I would have liked it better if
you had just answered
This waiting to discuss anything
majorly important is really difficult
But I will wait
If that is what you really want to do
Like I told you
I’m ready to marry you now or
whenever you are
Just say when
I have known you forever it seems
I don’t know what to make of you or
your offer to go out
I don’t know if I could see us
I have the feeling you have had a thing
for me for a long time
Just like I knew instinctively for the
last two weeks you were going to ask me out
I’ll have to just play it by ear,
give you a chance, have an open mind and see what develops
Really Man?
Wow I'm SAD for you
You have the XY, the man build, the
penis, the facial hair
She has your balls or THE balls
You let her control you
lead you around
down the dark path
You let her tell you who you can be
friends with
who you can talk to
who you can ask for help
WOW, you REALLY disappoint me my friend
are my strength when I’m afraid
are my calm in the anxiety storm
comfort me when my fears override my logic
soothe me with the soft gentle sound of your voice
are my rock, my soothing ocean waves, my soothing comforting howls of
the timber wolf pack, the sweet soothing song of the humpback whales
are my best friend
know and accept me for all that I am, all that I have gone through
You said you are scared
You said you don't know if you want
more than we have but feel something you have felt a few times
Before when we are together
- Hinting that you could be or have fallen for me
You say you don't want to hurt me
Sorry too late – if we were to end
this it would hurt me to no end
Oh that's right, I haven't told you, I
have already fallen in love with you
You told me these things maybe a week
I have felt you pulling away even
before then
You have changed your routine in the
evenings since then
Hung out with a 'friend' for a few
I haven't asked who though I am curious
Spent time at your mother-in-law's house
Canceled plans with me twice, and I
think tonight will be thrice
I can say if you cancel on me again
tonight I'll take the hint and consider us only friends
I think you have made your decision but
your fear of hurting me stays your hand on telling me you only want
me as a friend
If we are over, I won't ever open my
heart or body to anyone else
All I get from any of it is pain
So love, your scared..scared to
love..scared to hurt me..scared I think to be hurt again..scared of
losing me as a friend
Well baby, if you want to only be
friends I need you to tell me
I'll be hurt but I'll still be your
Not telling me and dragging it on,
especially if you start lying to me or seeing someone on the side
when we have agreed that though we are staying down low we are
You say you have a lot on your mind
Do you realize that terrifies me?
You said something like that the other
day when it seemed we were on the edge of the abyss – not the good
type either, the 'see ya' type, the rip my heart out and crumple it
then mash it up good in the blender type
You say you have a lot on your mind
trying to figure shit out and you don't know if I'm a complication or
a help
Geez thanks,
love you too
I wont tell you
this for real but I will here because I know if I tell you for real
how it will play out and I hope it will be the opposite by pen:
- make a choice baby, do you want me and all I have to give or not? To me it seems like a pretty simple decision even in your current situation
I'm scared, I fear
how this will play out
I prepare, have
been preparing for a few days for a broken heart
Scars are the stories of our lives
Each new scar is a reminder of that
moment of our life
They speak of our life experiences, who
we are, where we have been, what we experienced there, and how it
affected us
Sinor You Are On My Mind
You won’t leave my mind
Am I always on your mind?
You have on and off been on my mind
since I left you
But more so now since we talked
Do I love you?
Have I always?
I have always cared deeply for you
But have never thought, even together,
that I loved you
That made it torture for me
Knowing you loved me
But not loving you back
Am I just lonely?
Is that why you are here, on my mind?
I know you want me back
You never wanted it to end
And my body yearns for a man’s
And my heart is crying for someone to
love it
To be true
When we talked I told you my woes
How I was tired of being taken
advantage of, exploited, of being played
You told me: “I never played you”
I never thought you had
I know you never had
By all rights I think you worshiped me
If I hadn’t left you when I did you
would have asked me to marry you
I do know I don’t want to be married
to you
But that is what we are both looking
So what do I do?
Do we become lovers again
Even if just for a while?
Or do we just remain friends/
I don’t know what to do
I don’t know what to do
I feel like you’re the unbiased
friend who is here to listen
To support me emotionally
So what do I do?
Give love one more chance?
Give upon the old institution?
Sinor you are on my mind
Soul is Ever Truly Here
I don’t know if my soul is ever truly
I sometimes find myself in the past
About circles of stones of Scotland
And feeling like
that’s home
The Man I will Never Know
The man I will never know
The man who I judge all others against
Fifteen years my senior
“Normal” acting, being for his
Not so different from me
He has his issues too
Fear of abandonment
Only really loved one
All others fleeting
Maybe even cared for deeply
Does not see himself in the way that
others see him
He does not think he is handsome
Just a regular guy
The guy I wish I could know
The kind of man I want
I can deal with some issues
I have them too
I cannot handle clingy or uncaring
I can handle, I want someone who has a
life, a career, a past
Because so do I
Dedicated to POFC DK
Stupid Me
I run to the door
Thinking the one at the doorbell is
someone I wanted to see
Who does it be?
No one but the people who live here
No one worth seeing
No one of interest
Stupid of me to think even in a flight
of fancy that it would be who I know is in town and does know where I
Stupid of me
Tell Me What To Do Mi Amor..Tell Me What You Want
I wish you knew what you wanted
I feel if I let what's between R and me
go farther to where he is wanting it to go in a few years it will
dawn on you that you want me and I’ll have to decide if throwing
away a marriage is worth trying with you
I don’t think it's hard for you to
figure out that I would..I would do anything for you..I’d lie for
you – I have even – I would die for you
I know I don’t love R. I love you
but you are so determined NOT to try
with me
you are so sure that if we try you
would screw up and lose me
if you were going to lose me you would
have a month ago when you got back with the dope ho
I love you too much to let you go
no matter what happens in your or mine
I think we were so very very close
twice now and you ran..once right after you got out and when you were
in Port Lavaca and I picked you up
I have seen in your eyes that you love
me as more than friends
and I know you know I love you
I just wish you wouldn’t be afraid of
losing me I’ve told you three times already that you won't but you
are so sure I will turn on you like so many others have and like your
family threatens to do if you get back in deep like you were or back
to prison
even if you were to go back to prison
or got back deep in the trade I would still have your back still be
your friend always love you
as selfish as it is if you marry the
dope ho I don’t think I could survive that
I don’t think she would ever marry
you..she first has to get divorced from that man she is married
to..but I think she just likes using you for the sex and drugs
I want you for YOU for who you are, who
you were, who you could be if you allowed yourself, yes I think you're
the most attractive man I know and yes I would love to hold you even
if just once but that’s not why I want you or why I love you..i
love you for who you are who you always have been to me how you have
always treated me well even when you were into what you were into or
just a boy before that
I honestly only want to be your wife,
to have your children
but will I ever have a chance to be
your wife and the mother to the children you want as bad as me or
would I be wasting my time if I continued to wait for you?
What do I do mi amor?
I had a dream of you last night
An odd dream at that
I dreamed that we ran into each other
at some gym
You looked good
About the same as you do except more
filled out
Not such a scrawny guy as your
genetics and frame dictates
You said we were ok
That we could write like I asked in my
letter to you
That we were still friends
You were a bit more confident than you
use to be, but that shy guy still existed in there
But not too shy to hug me
The dream had a bittersweet feeling to
Mostly because I know it will never
I wonder if you hat me or if we are ok
enough to be friends
Enough to write- if you will write me
I want to believe in what I have been
tough that one, if not both of us, was dream walking and all that was
real in an astral plane
But sometimes it is hard to believe-
hard to have faith
To Alex
You had found me
Then I lost you
I thought and searched for you
By chance I found you again
What will come of this?
Do you still care for me as you said
you did?
I want to know you better than I did
I want to give you a fair chance
Did you wonder about me?
Like I did of you?
I’m tired of needy guys and guys who
expect me to go out of my way for them
You never expected such from me
I had wondered how you where
How much I might have lost out with due
to how I was to you
It always meant so much to me that you
cared and that you accepted me the way I was
Broken, untrusting… me at the time
The Twins Are Down
So many to die
So many to hurt
What is the point of all this
Did they not know not to wake the
sleeping dragon?
Did they not think we would retaliate?
Unknown numbers of people are dead
The twins are down
Part of the pentagon is destroyed and
the fire still rages
Children without mothers
Children without fathers
People without jobs
Innocence lost
Evil people take so many lives
Maybe even 50,000 lives have been lost
For what?
The giant’s wrath?
Did they not think we would strike
We sit here on high alert
Helicopters circling densely populated
areas, hospitals, universities, federal and state buildings
Did they start world war three?
They took first blood
And they will die for that
We have no sacred king as Britain did
in the days of the Druids
But we as the American people are
strong and fearless
We will take second and last blood
We shall triumph
This day will be second only to the
fateful day in 1941 when Pearl Harbor was attacked
They took first blood then
And they paid dearly for it
And those who took first blood
yesterday will soon do the same
What am I to do?
What am I to you?
I have one who says he loves me, wants to marry me
I have one who says he loves me, wants to marry me
But his integrity is in question
He had a full year of my life
I’ve known him for two
I also have another one
He undoubtedly loves me
He had talked of marriage and
international travel when we were a couple
He says he has cleaned his trashy ways
But his status has faltered
And he works a menial job now
While waiting for class to return
All the while I have resolved
That my days of countability and
conquest are over
But my lonely body
My lonely soul
My lonely heart
Yearns for the pleasures of the flesh
For companionship
What am I to do?
If he is found to be without character
Should I take a lover and insure that
is all that arises?
Or should I stand firm in my resolution
And keep my own company
What am I to do?
To Hate You
I want to hate you rather than love you
it would be SO much easier to breathe
that way
I don't hear from you for weeks on end
then you reach out to me unknowingly tearing the gaping hole in my
heart wide open again
I want you to myself
I just want you to give us a try
I love you more than I have ever loved
anyone, even David
but you don't love me
you're with some puta that I wish would
just DIE
though I know that would hurt you
I want to feel you inside me
I want to feel our child growing inside
of me
but you're with her and seem quiet
content to be her bitch
if I knew you would agree I’d ask you
get to get me pregnant but I know you won't, because of her, maybe you
do love her, you are playing house with her so who knows or maybe you
just like having a hoe to poke whenever you get the need, she's easy
I just wish I could hate you, it would
be so much easier that way
To My Joao
I know without a doubt you think about
I know that you have to concentrate and
ready yourself for battle
That within a month you will face
eleven months of constant threat and danger
I now you will write me once you are in
Iraq, but I miss you regardless
Separation from you is hard
In two short weeks, I had found my soul
mate, the love of my life
I feel in love with you faster than I
thought was possible
I found what it is like to be
completely and utterly comfortable with someone – in your arms
I told you I love you the night before
you deployed
You told me you love me the morning of
your deployment
I am yours
I will be yours until the end of time
I can wait a year to see you again, to
kiss you again, to feel your touch again, to make love to you again
I will be true
I will be here when you get back
We can see where our relationship takes
us after that
Nevertheless, I think we are both
thinking along the same lines as each other for the future
I do not see a future without you
I pray you stay safe from harm
I will keep you close to my heart while
you are always and pry for your safe return
You Were Not What I Expected
I got the picture you sent
me today
I knew you had dark hair
and eyes
But you were not what I
Your voice
Your personality
Are both so sexy, kind,
I imagined you would be
moderately attractive – to match your voice and personality
But you are not
You have a tiny roundish
head, receding hairline, jowls
I am still attracted to
the guy on the phone
Btu I am not so attracted
to the guy in the picture
I am horrible for feeling
I know that it is horrible
to judge a book by the cover and you are a really nice guy who always
makes me feel special when we talk
But I do not want to
settle again, I’ve done that too much
Maybe you look better in
Maybe I can get my self to
not care what you look like as long as you stay sweet, sexy, and
seductive and you are not lacking in other areas
You Still
You still haunt me
You still remain in my mind
I still see you in your uniform, all
respectable, all handsome, all serious, all soldier
I still see you in your skivvies, all
sexy, all handsome, all perfect
I still see you without cloths, how
perfect you are formed, how beautiful of a body you have…as the
green man is to have
Why will you not leave my mind as you
have left me?
Why must you remain here, in my mind,
in my heart, to torment me?
Why must I long for you everyday,
every moment for you?
You Have Nothing to Fear with Me
You have nothing to fear with me
I know a lot of GI’s fear their girls
are going to mess around on them behind their backs, especially when
But I’m not like that
You have nothing to fear with me
I’m yours
You are mine
I belong to you as you do to me
I would never cheat on you
I want only you
You have nothing to fear with me
Will I Know Love?
The song “what is love” still
resonates strongly through me
I cannot say for sure that I have ever
been loved
I have loved
I have cared
But has anyone ever loved me?
I doubt it
Maybe David did in his own way- but I
think he just cared
JC cared- but was shipped out before
anything could develop between us
JS claimed he loved me – but I did
not love him nor believed him
MR cared – but I loved him
ML was just a friend, cared for me in a
strictly platonic way- but I cared deeply for him
AC said he loved me – but I do not
believe him and I do not love him
So will I ever be truly loved?
Honestly loved?
Will I ever believe someone when he
says he love me?
Will I sleep alone, be alone, for the
rest of my days?
Is there not a man out there that is
not shallow, that will see me as more than “friends” or as a toy?
I do not want any other guy to want to
have me as only friends
So I am not pretty
So I am heavy
So I am divorced
Is there not a man out there who can
see past the physical?
That can see the intelligent, creative,
lonely woman inside of this shell?
I am so tired of being alone
Wanting some measure of companionship
“What is love…don’t hurt me...no
What You Have Not Done
You have never sent me flowers – not
even cyber ones
You rarely send me e-cards – never
send me a real one
You always ask for this or that
But you never send me anything
I am lucky to get a two or three line
email from you twice a month – never a physical letter
The only time I have gotten long emails
from you is when we were fighting
I have had your picture face down since
Tuesday – five days now
And I have not wanted to stand it back
I did not and do not feel guilty or bad
for hanging up on you Tuesday
You have not emailed, not as of Friday
when I check it the last time
So what does this say of us?
I send you physical and cyber cards and
I write you long letters and emails
I am the one who calls
You have only called me twice in two
And both of these were at the beginning
My gut is still telling me you were
with someone who you did not want me to know you were with and you
did not want them to know who you were talking to
I still wonder why your ?mother?
reacted with such shock and surprise when I told her I was your
I think I will end this fantasy
Not as if I have another guy or even
one that is interested but I rather not be lying to myself anymore,
I rather not believe in a fantasy anymore
I have always known I am not much to
look at
That I will always be alone
I guess I am tired of being in an
empty, fake, imaginary relationship
I keep thinking back
Both times we have gotten back
together, I was the one who asked
Why didn't you at least stay friendly
with me – email me- during those times we were apart?
Why did not you pursue me if you love
me so much?
That is the thing
I think you have always been saying
just what I want you to say, or what you think I want you to say
Well now, I want the truth
I want some effort from you
Stop asking me for everything and do
everything – you do it
I do care for you; I could easily truly
love you
I know I am in love the thought of you
loving me, but why if I love you- does the fact that your picture is
does face down not bother me?
It should be driving me crazy, tearing
at my heart
I wish you were closer, I wish I could
believe…in you… in anything…but I don’t
If somehow you are for real I am
sorry, but I do not believe you are
I cannot believe in us when I am the
only one making an effort, trying
What do you know of me?
What do I know of you?
Really, nothing
You never ask me anything personal
When I try and ask you anything of
dept, personal
You act as if you do not understand or
ignore the question entirely
How did you react when I asked a
relativity innocent question- do you ever dream of us making love-
you got mad
You took offense
I wasn’t asking for details, I wasn’t
asking your length or anything like that, I just wanted to know if
you ever fantasize about me, I wanted, I was tiring to find a way to
get close to you, attempting to make a real connection with you –
more than a superficial one
I do not care, I do not care about much
anymore, I stopped caring a long time ago, tired to care again since
then, but I do not, not in the same way
I think I will wake up from this
fantasy soon
It is pointless
Love, companionship, forever, eludes
me, always has, always will
But fantasies are usually easier to
live in, but this one, this one is not right, I don’t want to be
cheated on from someone so far away
So I will release you from this,
realize myself, allow myself to be completely alone once again
You Have My Heart In The Palm Of Your Hand
I love you yet you make me want to cry
I love you yet almost every time I get
off the phone with you I want to launch my phone at the wall
I hate the bitch you are with
I hate that you love her and not me
I hate that though there is passion
when you have kissed me you choose to ignore it and anything you feel
for me and go for these whores
I hate that every time after we are
together or talk on the phone my heart hurts and I want to cry
but I don't want to turn my back on you
like I know I would need to do to avoid the pain and get over you
I have a good man that looks at me,
touches me, kisses me, holds me, the way I wish you would hold, kiss,
look at, and hold me – maybe even loves me
yet I can't help for dying a little
each time I see you, hug you, think of you, or talk to you
I love you with all my heart and soul
I don't think you get that
it's not a passing fancy
you hold my heart in the palm of your
hand and don't even realize it
you don't realize you are destroying my
heart with each little flex of your long lean fingers
di mi amor f.w.t
What would it be like….
What would it be like to be happy?
To actually enjoy this season
To have hope
To have love
To feel secure
To feel wanted
I would not know
The only times I’ve had all that it
was all a lie
I was feeling what he wanted me to feel
As he was unfaithful
What would it be like to have an
honorable man?
A good guy
A guy who’s word has meaning?
What would it be like to be wanted?
What Would you Say?
What would you say if I told you I
loved you
What would you say if I told you I
wanted to spend the rest of my life with you
What would you say if I told you I want
to have children with you
What would you say if I told you that
we would work through the last addiction you have – together
What would you say if I told you I
couldn't stand the thought of with any other woman
What would you say if I told you I
would have no one else but you
What would you say if I told you that
you are the only person to ever tell me that they respect me
What would you say if I told you that
one statement meant more to me than you will ever know, that anyone
will ever understand
What would you say if I told you I
believed in you, that I know you can over come this
What would you say if I told you I have
faith in you
What would you say if I told you I need
What would you say if I said.. “Be
What Is It?
Some would say that ‘kicking
instinct’ that you are going down the wrong path is the hand of god
Some say it is our inner self, our soul
telling us it is not satisfied
Other still say it is fate guiding us
to our true destiny
Whichever it is appears to have finally
led me to the path I belong on
What Is It I Fear?
What is it that I fear?
Is it that you do not truly love me?
That you are leading me on
You constantly ask me to help you
When you know that I cannot and won't
I think I may just want someone to love
me so I believe you
I think I am in love with a fantasy
I am not going to call again
I am not going to go out of my way and
find a way for you to come to me
I’m not going to show you this either
I got the feeling when I called the A
number that the woman I talked to had no idea who I was
She sounded shocked when I said I was
your girlfriend
Then today, your birthday, when I
called to wish you happy birthday and to talk for a minute or two
you were someplace noisy and said you couldn’t talk because you had
a meeting with the Albanian Foreign Minister in a few minutes
You sounded like you were lying
I do not believe you
I do not think you were alone or with
the minister
And I do not think I really care
I do not mean that you can do what you
Just more like I would not be surprised
I do think of you often
But I don’t fantasize about you
I do not dream of you
My fantasies and dreams are not of
another real man either
I think they are more my versions of my
ideal man
And I do not think you are him