
Showing posts with the label abuse

Respect in the Art World: A Reminder for Critics and Connoisseurs

Respect in the Art World: A Reminder for Critics and Connoisseurs Let's talk about something important: respect. Just because something isn't your cup of tea doesn't give you the right to be rude, crude, or downright disrespectful. We've all got our preferences; for instance, I'm not into sports gear, and Picasso's art doesn't quite speak to me. And that's okay! Here's the deal: if you don't like something, simply scroll on by. There's no need to unleash your inner troll. And if you're not an artist or a buyer for a gallery or museum, well, your opinion carries even less weight. It's easy to throw stones, but it's much harder to create something truly remarkable. Put yourself in the shoes of the artist whose work you're about to tear apart. How would you feel if someone who couldn't tell a paint brush from a pencil started bashing your creations? Not great, right? So let's all take a step back, check our egos at the do

Embracing Independence: Why I've Decided to Stop Dating

Embracing Independence: Why I've Decided to Stop Dating In a world where dating apps and blind dates dominate the scene, I've made a bold decision: I've stopped dating altogether. And let me tell you, it's been the most liberating choice I've ever made. Gone are the days of stressing over what to wear, where to meet, and whether or not there will be a spark. Instead, I've embraced my independence and reclaimed control over my life. One of the key reasons behind my decision? Safety. Call me cautious, but I refuse to let anyone into my personal space. That means no inviting dates to my home or sharing my address. I've always been a "meet you there" kind of person, and I intend to keep it that way. Maintaining boundaries is crucial in today's world, especially when it comes to dating. By keeping my home and workplace off-limits to romantic interests, I ensure that my safety and security remain uncompromised. Let's talk about transportation. S

Navigating the Complexities of Internet Regulation: A Call for Action Against Violent Pornography

    Navigating the Complexities of Internet Regulation: A Call for Action Against Violent Pornography      In the ever-evolving landscape of the internet, the debate over regulation, particularly concerning sexually explicit material, remains contentious. The question of how far regulation should extend is one that will continue to spark heated discussions for years to come. At the heart of this debate lies the clash between the freedom of speech guaranteed by the First Amendment and the need to protect individuals from harmful content, such as child pornography and other violent forms of exploitation.      The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provides significant protection to expressions of speech. However, it's crucial to recognize that this protection is not absolute, especially when it comes to forms of expression that cause tangible harm. Child pornography and other violent depictions are not shielded by the First Amendment, as they are illegal in most jurisdictions a

The Modern Entitled Brat Vet

The Modern Entitled Brat Vet I have no doubt I will get angry comments for this one but you should know by now: I DON'T CARE! I have the same Constitutional God given right to free speech as you do. So before you start just go ahead and stop your bitching. I'm from a very patriotic family full of veterans going at least as far back as the 1600s. My grandpa was a WWII vet, my dad and my uncle are Vietnam vets, my other grandpa was a post Korean war service man, the above mentioned uncle was a “lifer” in the service, another uncle was a “lifer” in his branch as well. Add in a bunch of great uncles, various degree of cousins and cousin-in-laws to the list of service members that I'm kin to and you can gather that I grew up immersed in the culture and have a great love and respect for veterans. Honestly I'm finding it hard to have much respect for a lot of the veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars of the past sixteen years. These vets have it better than any o

You Can't Be A Good Parent & Be Selfish

You Can't Be A Good Parent & Be Selfish One of the hardest things to come to terms with and learn to do is NOT be selfish once you become a parent. Once you find out you have a baby on the way the days of “I want” “me” and so on are over for at least eighteen years (more if you have more than one kid). If you are a woman and pregnant your body is no longer your own rather you are sharing it with this little person depending on you to protect it from everything, even yourself if you are selfish. I'm sure some of you are calling me every name in the book because you buy into the extreme form of feminism that says a baby is a parasite until it's born and a woman has every right to drink, do tobacco products, do dope, have casual sex, or whatever she wants EVEN when pregnant. Well to that I say you can X out now and go about your day or keep reading and hopefully learn how NOT to be a self centered bitch, your choice. Okay now that's dealt with let me continue.

Apprentice Potter Year 1

Apprentice Potter, year 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. Anything you do not recognize is my own. If I did own Harry Potter, Harry would not have been a Horcrux and Severus Snape, Remus Lupin, Mad-Eye Moody, Dobby, Hedwig, nor would either of the Twins have DIED! This is disclaimer will apply for the continuation of this fic and really all others. – Obviously Thanks also go out to  Slytherin66 for aiding with plot ideas, Slytherin ways of thinking, 'special' character interaction, sane and logical viewpoints, and such  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------