Just Be Greatful

Just Be Greatful

I know this is four months early but seriously people can y'all please be greatful this year? Don't go bitching and whining because someone like me chooses to says "Happy Holidays" in December!  Christianity is NOT our nations religion (we are not and never were a theocracy) and not the only religion out there. I say Happy Holidays because it's polite and inclusive. I don't expect you to say say "Happy Yule" or "Merry Christmas" to me I prefer to hear "Happy Holidays" but I don't bitch about December being turned into Christian-land even though there are at least SIX other religions with major holidays in December. There is no "war in Christmas" if anything there is a war on all other religions who have to suffer that bell outside stores, Christmas carols in every building and on the radio, and constantly hear you all say "Merry Christmas" and y'all get mad when we either don't say anything in return or say "Happy Holidays." The first time someone gets butthurt because I don't say "Merry Christmas" this year I'm going to start saying "Happy Yule." I'll give'm something to be pissed off about.

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